Recent Changes:
Previously / Current
Downgraded AOL to Email Only/McAfeeVirus 11.99/mo 4.99/mo
(I will using my connection from the Cable company)
SAVINGS $7.00 mo = $84.00/ yr
Netflix Downgrade from 2 unlimited DVD's / mo 13.99/mo 4.99/mo
to 2 DVD's / mo
SAVINGS $9.00/ mo = $108.00 / yr
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time to Focus
So I have been cleaning out my closet and I found a ton of clothes with the tags still on them! I can't believe it. So I went to Ebay and sold them now I have extra cash. In addition I have been looking at our household expenses. There are a lot of place that we can cut back. Netflix, we hardly ever use it. I already downgraded our cable. We can also cut back on the number of times per month we eat out.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My daughter told me the other day "Mama, don't call me a baby I'm a big girl." How can this be ? I still remember watching her move in my belly, being in labor, my water breaking, and then the dreaded Cesarean. I remember watching her sleep that first night. I remember Daddy telling me "she looks like me." He was smiling so I let him have this moment. Now she is so independent. She likes to pick out her own clothes, dictate her hairstyles, and create her own menu's. These have been the fastest 3 years of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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