Saturday, October 22, 2011


Life has been so busy I forgot all about this blog.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Where Have I Been

I haven't been on blogger in forever.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year

Every year I have so many goals. Save money. Make more money. Eat healthier... But this year is a little different working for myself is finally paying off. So I feel better about my decision to leave the work force. We have a new baby boy. So I am happy I won't have to return to work in a few weeks. This my goal is to take it easy, read more, organize my house and enjoy my family.

Our New Addition

Monday, November 2, 2009

Coupon Queen...Saving Money

As far as I can remember I have always loved clipping coupon. I don't know maybe it is the thrill of seeing my balance decrease on the screen at the register. Now that we are expecting a new baby... Oh yeah forgot the little detail on the previous posts :) coupons have become more valuable. I have also found that shopping around in addition to coupons really saves. Here are a few tricks to save money.

1. Check the sales ads on Sunday
2. Clip Coupons
3. At stores that have their own coupons, you can usually use manufacturer coupons in addition
4. Only buy what you will need for the next week or so.
5. Have friends look out for coupons or sales for you
6. Sign up for coupons at manufacturer web sites.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Stretching the Dollar

Recent Changes:
Previously / Current

Downgraded AOL to Email Only/McAfeeVirus 11.99/mo 4.99/mo
(I will using my connection from the Cable company)

SAVINGS $7.00 mo = $84.00/ yr

Netflix Downgrade from 2 unlimited DVD's / mo 13.99/mo 4.99/mo
to 2 DVD's / mo

SAVINGS $9.00/ mo = $108.00 / yr

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time to Focus

So I have been cleaning out my closet and I found a ton of clothes with the tags still on them! I can't believe it. So I went to Ebay and sold them now I have extra cash. In addition I have been looking at our household expenses. There are a lot of place that we can cut back. Netflix, we hardly ever use it. I already downgraded our cable. We can also cut back on the number of times per month we eat out.