Friday, June 26, 2009

Stimulating Young Minds

Yesterday my daughter and I went to Barnes and Nobles. We usually make this trip at least once a week. I like to look at the new Sci-Fi books or Beads magazines and she loves to play with the train set and find a book of her own. I try to let her select her own books, to give her a sense of independence. She found a Nickelodeon magazine with Spongebob Squarepants and was overjoyed, I don't mind cartoons but there has to be balance. It is important not to overinduldge but at the same time there is no need to put so many restrictions on children at such a young age. As a parent I want her to be interested in something that would stimulate her mind, but would also be fun. So after looking over magazines she went over to the National Geographics and wanted to know what animal was on the front. YES! I proclaimed in my mind. She found something on her own that peaked her interest. She sat down looked at the pictures and indentfied a ladybug and other insects and animals. Then she found the subscription card and said "now you can get these magazines at you house."


A Cuban In London said...

How cute! How old is she? Good to see kids delving into literature so early in life. Well done.

Greetings from London.

Kyra said...

I was in a Politics and Prose, a local DC bookstore. Have you seen the book AYA - it's a graphic novel about a young black woman.

Best, Kyra